Holiday, celebrate…


Canada Day was a big hit! Must bike more often. Much more fun and much less expensive than driving aimlessly. And my legs feel a bit toned. Heavens!

So, I keep learning terrible words in Hungarian. The only wholesome ones I think I know are the ones for cat, dog, dad and mom. But even “mom” can be turned into “your mom”. Time to get serious!

grassy feet

Seniors will filter into my work tonight and complain that there is no freebie for them if they spend over $50. It’s a simple life for now. And speaking of which, a bagel is in order. Cinnamon raisin. If only they made them sans-raisin.

About Nikki

I've been writing since I was in kindergarten where I Crayola-markered an epic tale of a tiger and a balloon on a stack of lined papers folded into a booklet and stapled along the edge (carefully, and by my teacher). I love DIY, sewing, folksy music, animals and getting out to look at and listen to nature.
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  1. danner q. rockefeller

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